Dr. Karin Riederer Weißenwolffstraße 13, 4020 Linz

Dr. Karin Riederer

10 Bewertungen

Dr. Karin Riederer Weißenwolffstraße 13, 4020 Linz

Uber das Geschaft

DR. KARIN RIEDERER - FACHÄRZTIN FÜR CHIRURGIE, SCHWERPUNKT VENENBEHANDLUNG | Entscheidungsgrundlage für die Wahl der für Sie optimalen Therapie ist die eingehende Untersuchung. Neben der klinischen Untersuchung ist die Duplexsonografie (Ultraschalluntersuchung) der „Gold-Standard“ in der Varizendiagnostik.


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Weißenwolffstraße 13, 4020 Linz



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Empfohlene Bewertungen

Jailan Rashed
Dr. Karin Riederer
I was disappointed by my experience at this clinic. Before booking the appointment, I called to ask about the feasibility of combining it with a therapy session as I wanted to get rid of a few visible leg veins before my sister's wedding that was happening 2 weeks after my appointment. The nurse assured me that this would be possible. When I entered, the doctor saw my leg from distance, I explained the reason behind my visit and she briefly explained that a treatment wouldn't make sense at all because it's summer season and that I'm not supposed to expose myself after the treatment to the sun light, which is the exact purpose of why I wanted to get rid of it and do the treatment. The whole discussion took a maximum of 5 minutes. I asked the doctor if the laser treatment would be better, she said she doesn't offer it and didn't provide any medical advice in terms of the difference between the two procedures. A week later, I got a receipt of 150 Euros for the brief discussion we had. No assessment was made to my veins whatsoever. The nurse should have been better informed and if not the doctor shouldn't demand the full check-up fee when no proper check-up was made.
Irene Klonner
Dr. Karin Riederer
Fr Dr Riederer ist eine sehr kompetente, erfahrene, angenehm ruhige, freundliche und geduldige sowie empathische Ärztin, die glztg auch sehr transparent agiert. Die einzelnen Schritte zur Behandlung hat sie gut u verständlich erklärt, ich habe mich sehr wohl gefühlt. Danke!
Dr. Karin Riederer
Top! Sehr freundlich und erklärt einem den Ablauf der Untersuchung sehr gut!
Mar Mat
Dr. Karin Riederer
Sehr zu empfehlen!

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Weißenwolffstraße 13, 4020 Linz
Dr. Karin Riederer