Vienna International School Str. d. Menschenrechte 1, 1220 Wien

Vienna International School

78 Bewertungen
  • Donnerstag08:30–14:55
  • Freitag08:30–14:55
  • SamstagGeschlossen
  • SonntagGeschlossen
  • Montag08:30–14:55
  • Dienstag08:30–14:55
  • Mittwoch08:30–14:55

Vienna International School Str. d. Menschenrechte 1, 1220 Wien

Uber das Geschaft

Vienna International School - Home | Quality education is dependent upon a culture based upon passion, energy, vision, creativity and respect.


Rufen Sie uns an
Str. d. Menschenrechte 1, 1220 Wien


  • Donnerstag08:30–14:55
  • Freitag08:30–14:55
  • SamstagGeschlossen
  • SonntagGeschlossen
  • Montag08:30–14:55
  • Dienstag08:30–14:55
  • Mittwoch08:30–14:55


  • Rollstuhlgerechter Parkplatz
  • Rollstuhlgerechter Eingang

Empfohlene Bewertungen

Nane Poghosyan
Vienna International School
Best School I've been too. Would recommend, but slightly expensive. I love the teaching system, it helps children to understand topics thoroughly. Nerodivergent Friendly. Big community and variety of cultures. Easy to find long-term relationships, and the school always supports the students struggles, believes and genders etc.
India M. Clamp
Vienna International School
Diplomat heaven with a great curriculum in English. Architecture is engaging and students are the progeny of United Nations (UN) employees/diplomats. VIN has an enrollment of approximately 1400 students, from pre-primary to twelfth grade. Located in the 22nd district within walking distance of the Danube (Donau) River.
Lilian Wach
Vienna International School
Hervorragende Schule. Wir haben nur positive Erfahrungen gemacht. Beide Söhne haben dort ihre Abschlüsse gemacht und fühlen sich gut vorbereitet auf das Leben und die Universitäten im In- und Ausland. Sehr engagierte Lehrer und ein Direktor, der immer ansprechbar ist und dem die Lösung aller kleinen und großen Probleme eine Herzensangelegenheit ist. Danke, dass meine Söhne so eine positive Schulzeit erleben durften und ein gutes Bildungsniveau erreichten.Nachschlag nach 4 Jahren:Unsere Söhne, die im In- und Ausland studieren, haben keinerlei Probleme, irgendwo mitzukommen bzw. die Leistungsstandards zu erfüllen. Der Große hat inzwischen zwei sehr unterschiedliche Studiengänge abgeschlossen und hängt nun seine weitere Ausbildungszeit in Nordamerika dran.Der jüngere Sohn beendet nun sein erstes Semester an der Sorbonne in Paris (Medizin) und an der Musikakademie ebendort. Das ist alles nur möglich, weil sie mit dem besten Rüstzeug, das eine Schule nur bieten kann, ausgestattet waren bzw. sind.Nochmals vielen Dank an die Vienna International School!
Kristian Pichler
Vienna International School
Good school and certain teachers make it really funny especially in IB where the teachers are more like your friends and less strict. Also the school food could be better at times
Andrey B.
Vienna International School
Forget about the advertised Reason #1 to join VIS - where students are supported to reach their personal potential". Limited to no support
Saskia 1982
Vienna International School
Habe meine Ausbildung hier sehr genossen. 5 Sterne und eine ganz große Empfehlung: die Lehrer sind allesamt sehr freundliche und gute Lernerfolge sind garantiert, sofern man den entsprechenden Elan und Motiation mitbringt.
Jakub Mandula
Vienna International School
I was at this school for the past 7 years and I must say my feelings are mixed. As in any other school I must say that it very depends on the teachers that one gets. The teachers I had I really liked and I must say they helped me a lot. However I am aware of people having big problems with their teachers.However the campus is very large and provides modern educational tools which in my eyes is a big plus that not every school can claim.
Eva Silvie Campbell
Vienna International School
Its been a fun and crazy ride, although it might not be the fanciest or prettiest school in the world it has character. It has been host to some of my best and many of my worst moments. I have been here for 8 years and I've got memories. It is also better than other schools in Vienna based purely off students we are not perfect by any means but still.It gets 4 stars because I still vividly remember my 5th grade teacher falsely accuse me of plagiarism. She left later tgat year to train cops in the USA, just saying.Anyways, I would recommend this school to those that can afford it and who want their child to have community.
Zalán Teodor Gáspár
Vienna International School
Generally acceptable school. Some teachers are great, some are not. The flow of information in the school is slow and often non-existent. My biggest problem with the school is that it follows it's own version of the IB MYP curriculum, which makes it hardly compatible with other MYP schools and makes the diploma at the end less relevant.
Stefan Hausmann
Vienna International School
Der coolste Straßennamen Wiens

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Str. d. Menschenrechte 1, 1220 Wien
Vienna International School